Hello there!  

My name is Olga and I illustrate…

I’m an illustrator based in Wroclaw, Poland,  working for a diverse range of clients across editorial, publishing and advertising including Nestle, Novo Nordisk, London Pain Clinic,  Parkway Hospital, Welfare Footprint project, Bionorica, Heel, SANDOZ, LEPOLEK, The University of Texas at Austin, Bellakt baby, Crugolf, TOMA Essential Skin Therapy and many more. 

A big part of my work is drawing for the medical and scientific fields. My artistic process involves a combination of traditional and digital techniques to create exciting illustrations. I start by carefully creating intricate lines, giving each stroke a personal touch. Once finished, I add vibrant colors to it using specially created textures and brushes. I have a deep appreciation for the conceptual meanings, interesting characters and the expressive carelessness of lines and strokes.  

Let’s be in touch!

Digital illustrator editorial commercial_illustraton. Illustrations and storyboards

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